Archives for category: A free society is a voluntary society

Years ago, it was understood that some people preferred to smoke. Some preferred to be vegan. Some preferred to eat meat. Some preferred electric cars, some preferred a powerful truck to pull a horse trailer.

A live and let live attitude seems to be fading. Governments at various levels are now in the habit of setting deadlines for new restrictions, bans and mandates.

Smoking bans, plastic bag bans, gun bans, federal toilet regulations, bottled water bans, mandates on what sort of vehicle you may drive.

All this, while we are told that US military operations in distant lands are somehow linked to American rights and freedoms.

One Size Fits All

Federal tax money:

December 8, 2022 The Daily World

Dept. of Ag invests $6.3M to purchase Ocean Shores hotel

$6.3 million “to fund the acquisition of an existing hotel. Marathon Enterprises Inc. is located in Ocean Shores, Grays Harbor County, Washington. The project is expected to result in saving eight jobs and creating one full time job.”

$6.3 million in federal cash for a used hotel results in saving eight jobs and creating one full time job? Seems like free enterprise might be better at moving things along Re: hotel properties.

Love to see newspeople ask: Is there any shortage of lodging facilities in this community?

Gas Cans

School children are taught about a free enterprise system. They grow up to find out that the federal government will tell them what kind of shower head they must install in the bathroom, and what type of gas can they must buy for their generator.

If The Troops defend our freedoms, should we ask the Joint Chiefs of Staff to bring back the Free Enterprise System?


Probably designed by some bureaucrat that never mowed a yard:


Gov. Inslee plans to ban gas-powered cars by 2035.

Your Toilet

The Energy Policy Act of 1992, which became law in 1994, mandates a maximum flush volume of 1.6 gallons for toilets manufactured and installed after this date.”

Your Shower Head

“In 1992, a federal mandate limited the amount of water that could flow from a replacement shower head to 2.5 gallons per minute (GPM). Some state and local governments mandate even lower GPM flow rates than the federal regulation.”

Your Light Bulbs

The Department of Energy has recently set new standards for light bulb manufacturers.”

Plastic Bags

Central authority hands down one size fits all rules for retailers and consumers: Allowed and banned bags

Download an accessible toolkit in one of 17 languages

Your Lawn Mower

“The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recently updated its regulations for emissions from “small spark-ignition engines”—that is, your lawn mower or tractor and other outdoor power equipment.”

Heating Your Home

Washington State Ban on Natural Gas Heating

Central Control Of The Rental Property You Own

They are working on it:

“If approved, a new section would be added to state law that requires all rental housing units within the state to be registered with the Department of Commerce every two years when a tenant occupies it or it is made available for rent.”

“In addition, landlords must pay a registration fee of $70 to register a unit, plus a fee of $15 for each additional unit.”

“In addition, if a landlord does not register the property, they would not be able to legally evict a tenant from the rental.”

“The money raised by registration fees would be used to assist with programs that provide legal representation in evection cases, assist local government with inspections of rentals, or for administrative purposes only.”

Possibly related:

Both major political parties are now OK with treating 18-20 year old adults as second-class citizens.

Alcohol, marijuana, tobacco and firearms restrictions are in place for 18-20 year old adults. Is there any state where recreational marijuana laws remove prohibition for adults at age 18?

Doesn’t seem to fit with a society that can’t stop bragging about freedom, thanking the troops for freedoms, fighting wars for freedoms, staging military jet flyovers at sporting events for freedom, etc.

Certainly, Americans do not live in a free and honest society.

Seems like most people carry a smart phone. These are always improving. They are extremely popular with consumers. An honest demand for products requires no helping hand from the government. No tax incentive, no public relations and promotional campaigns. Let’s go with the free enterprise system. Let’s go with industries that specialize in making people happy.

US federal government:

A man on the moon in 1969 was a proud American moment.

Since that time, both major parties have taken turns in power and have squandered credibility that would help in the current situation.

We were told we needed to send troops to Vietnam.

Syria, Lebanon, Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.

Some may have become skeptical along the way.

Some continue to ask questions:

An old favorite:

Unfortunately, the federal government often gets things wrong. Some may say they have an incentive to do so.

The Dept. of Defense was nowhere to be found on 911. We haven’t won a war since.

Response: Large DOD and Homeland Security budgets ever since.

It feels like the people who run the Pentagon specialize in undeclared/unwon wars.

Any college or pro football coach would have been fired a dozen times over for what DOD has done with the US Armed Forces during the fake GWOT era.


KUOW Aug 10, 2017

A mere 17,000 years ago, a massive glacier the height of five Space Needles covered what is now Seattle and a large part of western Washington.”

Why did it change? Too much gas powered lawn equipment?

Local papers have stripped away all comments from past articles, and removed the opportunity to post comments to new articles.

Various newspapers in the Puget Sound area have gone with this trend.

Honest and meaningful ideas stand up to questioning and discussion.

Suppressing comments, getting away from asking questions related to public policy and telling us they need more support from subscription and advertising sales.

Got it.

Newspeople have moved away from asking basic public policy questions.

Our local TV news today is sort of a press release style of news reporting where a statement is prepared by whatever agency was involved in the latest policy update, drug bust/federal grant money award, etc.

Newspeople post this statement as is.

A 5th grade book report would require more in the way of asking questions.


Cliff Mass Weather Blog

Mar 16, 2023

Serious Climate Misinformation In Seattle Time Headline Article


Mar 03, 2022

Misinformation about Sea Level Rise


Dec 13, 2022

More Climate Misinformation and Factual Errors in the Seattle Times. Should You Care?


Dec 29, 2022

The Origin of Seattle and Tacoma Flooding This Week


Photo at top of page:

Occasionally looking for the Coupeville Ferry

Coupeville/Penn Cove is on the eastern shore of Whidbey Island-no ferry link to Port Townsend exists there.

Also Coupeville:

Love to see newspeople ask:

When is the last time all of Penn Cove was safe for recreational shellfish harvest?

Image above: 1/2/2023

Source/Daily Status Reports: Washington State Department of Health Shellfish Safety Map

Click image once or twice to show detail.


Several Whidbey beaches remain closed all year long for recreational shellfish harvest because of sewage treatment outfall.

Sewage treatment outfall. Not stormwater. Not climate change.

Reporting on this topic appears to be completely off limits to the press.

View the Washington State Department of Health beach list here.



“Clams, mussels and oysters CLOSED year-round.”

“This beach is within the closure area for a sewage treatment plant outfall and is unsafe for recreational shellfish harvesting.”

Source: WDFW


North side of Penn Cove at Monroe Landing

“Clams, mussels and oysters CLOSED year-round.”

“This beach is within the closure area for a sewage treatment plant outfall and is unsafe for recreational shellfish harvesting.”

Source: WDFW


Americans do not live in a free and honest society.

In a free and honest society, newspeople would be asking questions related to public policy all of the time.

Voting is highly emphasized in American culture. Asking questions related to public policy takes a lower priority.

Has anyone ever seen the Puget Sound area press ask questions about Whidbey water quality impacted by sewage treatment plant outfalls?

Has anyone ever seen any government agency, elected official or volunteer organization seeking answers related to one or more sewage treatment plants sending unsafe product into the waters near Whidbey Island?

Distance learning idea:

Podcast 4 Another Month With An R – Whidbey Sewage Treatment Plant Outfalls

Whidbey Waters – Mixed Signals of Concern



A photo tour of Penn Cove here:

Wastewater Treatment Plant – Department of Ecology Award For Outstanding Performance

One Size Fits All Society

Goodbye Free Enterprise System

Cultural Honesty

Possibly of interest:

4 Stories The Puget Sound Press Will Not Question Or Report On


I wear a face covering anytime I enter a business, post office, etc.

I would prefer that business owners be free to set their own policy.

It looks like some would be OK if we were told to wear a mask when we went to bed at night.


I don’t trivialize other people’s desires & choices.


The construction project wasn’t delayed by the coronavirus pandemic; it was considered essential since it was state funded.”

Got it.

The state took money from some people, and gave it to some other people.

If your construction crew is working on a project based on any sort of voluntary exchange or honest demand for services, you might have to stay home for a while.

Helping others by donating


In two years, individuals in suicidal crisis seeking help will have a number that’s easy to remember and quick to dial to reach the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.”

Just hang on for two more years.


Voting is highly emphasized in American culture. Asking questions related to public policy takes a lower priority.

Mar/April, 2020

Pizza delivery, marijuana and booze sales roll on as government agencies phase out access and services.

Local press responds with reduced coverage and less in the way of asking questions.

Concealed Carry Processing Suspended

Mixed Messages On What Is An Emergency


Looks like Sound Publishing has removed all old comments and shut down the opportunity to post new comments on all of their newspaper web editions?

Manage it, don’t ban it. Online comment sections


Recommendations to bring in more subscribers:

Ready to Support Local News on Whidbey Island


I feel like a man on the moon in 1969 was a proud American moment.

Since that time, both major parties have taken turns in power and have squandered credibility that would help in the current situation.

We were told we needed to send troops to Vietnam to stay safe.

Syria, Lebanon, Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.

Growing Up In The Cold War Era



A one size fits all society?

Central Planning and Essential Travel

Shut Off The TV And Get Outside For A Bit

WA Government Lacks Balance

Never Understood

Restricted Activities Update

Stay-at-home, except when purchasing liquor up until 9 p.m.


Don’t miss our companion blog-found here: Old Man Blog

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Fog clears – Hill Road


What this blog has to offer:

No mention of political parties or personalities.

No mention of group identities.

No labels.

No name calling.

No scolding.

No effort to get people to stop wearing masks.


June 30, 2020 Cliff Mass Weather Blog

The Safety of Outdoor Air for Coronavirus Is Now Obvious

“There is now powerful observational evidence that outdoor air is extraordinary safe regarding COVID-19, and the recent protests have helped provide it.”

“The protests/riots began in Seattle and other cities on May 26th.”

“You want more evidence? No problem. About a month ago, there was a huge media commotion about “irresponsible” outdoor parties at Missouri’s Lake of the Ozarks (see picture below from the famous “party cove”. Several media outlets promised a huge uptick in COVID-19 cases.”

What actually happened? Nothing. No spike of COVID-19 cases in the neighboring counties. Outdoor air is safe.”

“The other day I was biking down the Burke Gilman trail and an older women saw me coming and fled off the trail, pushing her mask tight around her mouth as she turned to face away from me. There was profound fear in her eyes and it was completely unnecessary. Really bothered me.”

“And such fear is being stoked by local politicians and governments. The City of Seattle parks STILL has many of the parking lots closed and threatening signs everything.”


In a free society, you will find situations that are not set up to try to please everyone. Several examples are described below.

Americans were never meant to agree on matters of a personal nature. This is why we have so many different churches here and people who opt out on attending services.

Some churches do not allow women to be clergy members, or require women to dress in a certain way or keep their hair a certain way.

Should they be forced into compliance?

Some churches operate a pre-school, daycare, kitchen, shelter, youth program, summer camp, substance abuse program, high school, etc.

Should they be forced into compliance?


Must wear a mask?

June 23, 2020 KING5

Snohomish County nursery bans masks for staff during the coronavirus pandemic

Sign of a free society:

Postema said if it bothers customers, they can take their business elsewhere.”

Just because the governor says so, that doesn’t mean anything to me.”

“We have acres out here. We can do six feet of social distancing. So, we will keep it how it is,” he said.


I feel like a man on the moon in 1969 was a proud American moment.

Since that time, both major parties have taken turns in power and have squandered credibility that would help in the current situation.

We were told we needed to send troops to Vietnam to stay safe.

Syria, Lebanon, Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.

When do the people in charge answer for all this?

More here:

Growing Up In The Cold War Era


What others are saying

Alternative media:


Not alternative media:

June 25, 2020 WUSA9

VERIFY: Why a face mask box says it provides no protection to the wearer

Not alternative media:


June 7, 2020 The Everett Herald

Snohomish’s rogue barber can still be sanctioned, state says

“Barber Bob Martin keeps cutting hair and brushing aside attempts by the state to get him to stop.”

“He continued serving patrons after the state Department of Licensing suspended his cosmetology operator license and served him with a cease-and-desist order for doing business without a salon shop license.”


Florist shop and bakery refuse service to gay customers

If I ran a bakery-

Store policy:

We do quality cakes for all occasions-no customer application/background check required.

Growing numbers of happy customers and building our positive reputation is our goal.

Please tell your friends & contact us at any time.


Recommendation for a free society-

Stay away from one size fits all mandates.

Let business people make business decisions.

Let customers support or walk away from the businesses of their choosing.


But, does that mean a business could refuse service to people of a certain faith or people of color?


As soon as such a policy was announced-mainstream news and social media networks would put the word out & the business would suffer immediate consequences-unlike legal action that may take years to develop.

Duff Goldman, ‘Ace Of Cakes’ Chef, Offers To Bake Rejected Lesbian Couple’s Wedding Cake For Free


No indoor smoking?

Many Washington State casinos have expanded in recent years and added lodging facilities.

“Many of Washington’s larger casinos offer a range of gaming, entertainment, lottery, and dining options. Some are even full-service resorts, complete with hotels, spas, dining, and attractions.”

Many WA casinos have added lodging facilities since the 2005 ban on indoor smoking in WA.

In 2005, casinos in WA allowed indoor smoking. The state said no.

Casino customers enjoy boozing, gambling, staying out late and smoking indoors.

The casinos continued to allow indoor smoking and expanded their operations as the years went by.

More here:

Central Planning and Essential Travel

Florist refuses to serve gay customer

One Size Fits All Society

Podcast 6 Fake July 4th Freedom

Podcast 7 Racial Grocery Product Labeling & Bikini Barista Jet Noise Freedom


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Looking toward the west end of Crescent Beach.

Vancouver Island in the distance.


DSC_0002 copy
It turns out they had their own ideas about indoor smoking, use of plastic bags, drug testing, menu contents, choice of lightbulbs, minimum wage, etc.

None of these topics has anything to do with religion. If the business is paid for with private money- should they be able to make their own business decisions?

Several Washington State casinos have expanded their operations– while allowing indoor smoking- in a state that has banned indoor smoking. Simply pointing out here that allowing indoor smoking can be a good business decision in some cases.

McDonalds banned indoor smoking in Washington State– more than 10 years- before they were forced to- imagine that.


Recommendation for a free society-

Stay away from one size fits all mandates.

Let business people make business decisions.

Let customers support or walk away from the businesses of their choosing.

More here:

Florist refuses to serve gay customer




Photo- Skagit Valley



Washington florist rejects settlement offer after court rules she can’t refuse service to gay weddings

Similar story involving a bakery:

Christian bakers face government wrath for refusing to make cake for gay wedding

If I ran a bakery-

Store policy:

We do quality cakes for all occasions- no customer application/background check required.

Growing numbers of happy customers and building our positive reputation is our goal.

Please tell your friends & contact us at any time.


Public policy discussion:

I’m interested in freedom for everyone here.

How about a peaceful & voluntary approach?


Recommendation for a free society-

Stay away from one size fits all mandates.

Let business people make business decisions.

Let customers support or walk away from the businesses of their choosing.


But does that mean a business could refuse service to people of a certain faith or people of color?


As soon as such a policy was announced- mainstream news and social media networks would put the word out & the business would suffer immediate consequences- unlike legal action that may take years to develop:

Indiana pizzeria shutting down over religious freedom act controversy

Here is a recent example of an individual who was mistreated by a business:

$31G raised for stiffed pizza delivery man

Another example:

Duff Goldman, ‘Ace Of Cakes’ Chef, Offers To Bake Rejected Lesbian Couple’s Wedding Cake For Free


Americans were never meant to agree on matters of a personal nature. This is why we have so many different churches here.

What about churches that do not allow women to be clergy members, or require women to dress in a certain way or keep their hair a certain way.

Should they be forced into compliance?

Some churches operate a pre-school, daycare, kitchen, shelter, youth program, summer camp, substance abuse program, high school, etc.

Should they be forced into compliance?


For those who say that discrimination can not be tolerated, please consider:

Parking pass for National Parks/federal lands you paid for the same as the wars in Iraq & Afghanistan:

Regular people- $80 annual pass
Military- free
Seniors- $10 Lifetime pass

Selective Service registration for men only.

Scholarships that are awarded only to women.

Women’s colleges

Alcohol prohibition for adults age 18-20.

Federal assistance for Women-Owned Businesses


Public Places- Paid for with Public Money

At Joe’s Bar & Grill, Joe should decide if smoking is OK. Ditto for the use of plastic bags, drug testing, menu contents, choice of lightbulbs, minimum wage, etc.

Not trying to do away with minimum wage, smoking bans or any of the rest.

Business owners should be free to opt in or out.

Government controls should apply to government facilities.


But it’s the law!

In the 1940s the law allowed US citizens of Japanese descent to be rounded up & sent to concentration camps.

Certainly it is appropriate to have discussion- no matter what the law says.




Public Places- Paid for with Public Money

Dividing people into groups

Discuss on facebook here.




Photo- Beach trail at South Indian Island



At Joe’s Bar & Grill, Joe should decide if smoking is OK. Ditto for the use of plastic bags, drug testing, menu contents, choice of lightbulbs, minimum wage, etc.

Not trying to do away with minimum wage, smoking bans or any of the rest.

Business owners should be free to opt in or out.

McDonalds banned indoor smoking in Washington State before they were forced to- imagine that.

Government controls should apply to government facilities.

I am not interested in controlling peaceful & voluntary adult behavior.


I believe in freedom in a general sense- certainly beyond my own personal choices.


Recommendation for a free society-

Stay away from one size fits all mandates.

Let business people make business decisions.

Let customers support or walk away from the businesses of their choosing.



Did Ore. baker break the law when he denied service to same-sex couple?



Duff Goldman, ‘Ace Of Cakes’ Chef, Offers To Bake Rejected Lesbian Couple’s Wedding Cake For Free


If I ran a bakery-

Store policy:

We do quality cakes for all occasions- no customer application/background check required.

Growing numbers of happy customers and building our positive reputation is our goal.

Please tell your friends & contact us at any time.




Dividing people into groups

Freedom Fetish




Happy Hour- Port Hadlock


You are free to do as we tell you.

Bill Hicks


Surely- people must be controlled with licenses, permits, permissions, inspections, certificates, authorizations, fees, directives and mandates.

How else could we be safe?

Medical marijuana: ‘Medibles’ industry thrives, lacks safety regulations


American culture has a freedom fetish. It brags about freedom anytime federal holidays or overseas military operations are in the news, while insisting on controlling peaceful & voluntary adult behavior.


Could people rely on each other or on private organizations to monitor quality control?

Gardens help fill shelves at food banks

“Contributions come from small farms, community pea patches and backyard planting boxes.”


I am not out to do away with certifications, but business owners should be free to opt out.

This concept is already at work in the case of organic farms that go with organic protocols except for the time, expense and paperwork required for government certification.

Raw milk is another example.

ULConsumer Reports, and AAA are examples of private organizations that work to monitor safety and performance of consumer products and services.

Washington State may not be such a great leader in terms of health standards anyway. Soap is always present on Washington State ferries. In Washington State Parks, it is common to find no soap in the restrooms. People live in parks for days at a time, prepare food, host reunions and attempt to teach children proper hygene habits.


Discuss on facebook here.




Rush Hour- Port Townsend


American culture is big on a lot of talk about freedom- several government holidays are dedicated to this theme.

We are told that ongoing military operations in distant lands serve the purpose of protecting our freedom.


Somewhere after 911- many patriotic Americans seem to have embraced the idea that “The Troops” are fighting to protect our rights and freedoms- as if the US Armed Forces function as some sort of giant civil rights organization.

I am fascinated by this concept.


After playing make-believe during federal holidays, it’s back to reality and living in a world of authoritarian mandates on personal behaviors that harm no one.

Possession laws, paraphernalia laws, open container laws, sales restrictions linked to location, hours, day of the week, holidays, prohibition laws for adults age 18-20, suspicionless roadblocks and checkpoints away from border crossings, etc.

Pay to camp here overnight- but don’t get caught drinking a beer during your stay-


Preserving a free society, free markets, free trade, private property rights, & a minimal bureaucracy where violent SWAT raids are used to go after adults who want to peacefully grow a marijuana plant in the back yard.


Democrats are A-OK with the violent SWAT raids too- they just talk less about personal responsibility, individual liberty, constitutional principles, smaller, limited government, free enterprise, private property rights, etc.

He got paid to say this-


Law enforcement resources should be used to go after individuals who are harming others- not for policing arbitrary pre-crime scenarios.


Public Places- Paid for with Public Money

At Joe’s Bar & Grill, Joe should decide if smoking is OK. Ditto for the use of plastic bags, menu contents, choice of lightbulbs, minimum wage, etc.


Voluntary action is preferred.

I am much more open minded to donating to the Girl Scouts, carrying reusable shopping bags, supporting recycling, going to church, etc. when presented with a voluntary option.

Whole Foods Volunteers to Stop Use of Plastic Bags

McDonalds banned indoor smoking in Washington State before they were forced to- imagine that.

Government controls should apply to government facilities.




Photo- Port Hadlock Transit Center


Think about how you would mentor a young person.

Would you encourage them not to get promoted, stay at the lowest possible level and depend on the government to ration out pay raises?

Would you encourage them to remain in a group where superstar performers, average workers, and slackers are all paid the same per government mandate?

Be one of the best, show up on time, hustle, burn the candle at both ends, establish yourself early in life, avoid debt and create some freedom for yourself.

Get yourself promoted at work- just one time- & your pay will no longer be linked to the minimum wage.


Public Places- Paid for with Public Money

At Joe’s Bar & Grill, Joe should decide if smoking is OK. Ditto for the use of plastic bags, drug testing, menu contents, choice of lightbulbs, minimum wage, etc.

Not trying to do away with minimum wage, smoking bans or any of the rest. Business owners should be free to opt in or out.

How about letting private businesspeople use their payroll to offer promotion & bonus incentives to people who perform instead of putting a gun to their head that requires good, bad & average workers to get paid the same because the government says so?


Recommendation for a free society-

Stay away from one size fits all mandates.

Let business people make business decisions.

Let customers support or walk away from the businesses of their choosing.


Minimum Wage machine?

People get more from work than cranking a handle. Experience, on the job training, association with others, the chance to get promoted, etc.

How many people who make better than min. wage would be OK with standing in the corner and cranking the handle for the same pay?


Find 10 successful people.

Ask them if they ever worked for min. wage.

Ask them why they no longer are on it.


McDonalds banned indoor smoking in Washington State before they were forced to- imagine that.


Preserving a free society, free markets, free trade, private property rights, & a minimal bureaucracy where violent SWAT raids are used to go after adults who want to peacefully grow a marijuana plant in the back yard.


Democrats are A-OK with the violent SWAT raids too- they just talk less about personal responsibility, individual liberty, constitutional principles, smaller, limited government, free enterprise, private property rights, etc.


Tax money- which some people intend to be used to help others via public assistance programs– also goes for a Fake War on Terror, corporate bailouts, $60 billion in DOD contracting fraud & abuse, subsidies to government favored businesses, bombing Libya, violent SWAT raids on peaceful homeowners who may casually use marijuana, federal grants for law enforcement checkpoints, & ongoing National Guard deployments to distant lands- absent any military emergency, draft, or declaration of war.

Helping others by donating to churches or private charities, food banks, etc. can avoid these conflicts.

Donors are free to opt out if a charity misbehaves.

Maybe cutting out some of the unnecessary stuff the federal government involves itself in would ease the strain on medical programs, building roads and bridges, etc.

People could keep more of their own money to donate to causes of their choosing if the federal government was not taking it to pay for $2.4 billion in aid to Pakistan, $4 billion a year to support the Afghan army after 2014, etc.