Voting is highly emphasized in American culture. Asking questions related to public policy takes a lower priority.

Are newspeople forbidden to ask questions related to Homeland Security funding and performance?

Love to see more in the way of newspeople out asking questions. Get away from posting the press release handed down from whatever agency was involved in the latest bust.

Zero questions from newspeople:

Local meth news stories here.

Local heroin news stories here.

Plenty of questions here:

Port Angeles – Post 911 CBP Spending Spree


US Border Patrol, Port Angeles, WA

An upgrade in staff requiring a new, $11.9 million, 50 agent facility. Secret arrest statistics, denied FOIA requests, heroin and meth in the community, no cross-border USBP arrest in more than 9 years, fraudulent overtime claims, 1,200-horsepower interceptor boats and zero questions from the press.

Possibly of interest-

Newspeople play the role of federal public affairs personnel during Operation Macho Swagger– a ride-along to let us know what is being done to keep the southern edge of the Strait of Juan de Fuca safe from B.C. incursions: Operation Macho Swagger & Port Angeles Heroin

If you run a government operation- these are the reporters you want to see on interview day:


Does hometown pride get in the way of newspeople asking questions?

Tangled Up In Hometown Pride?

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South entrance- Port Townsend Ship Canal