Perhaps four handguns could have saved thousands on 911?

Perhaps four handguns could have saved thousands on 911?

American culture is OK with lies told about US foreign policy and where military service fits into our way of life.

Somewhere after 911- many patriotic Americans seem to have embraced the idea that The Troops are fighting to protect our rights and freedoms– as if the US Armed Forces function as some sort of giant civil rights organization.


“Let us never forget those who bravely gave their life blood or paid the ultimate price so we can have our freedom and the right to vote.”

It turns out “The Troops” were in no hurry to enable all adults to act on their right to vote.

US Military operations conducted in the 1940s, 50s & 60s didn’t get the job done.

It wasn’t until July of 1971 that 18 year old adults could take delivery on one of the freedoms we hear so much about.

If veterans fought for our right to vote- how come women were not allowed to vote at the end of WWI?


How about the National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984– it stripped the 50 states of the “freedom” to set their own minimum drinking age- where were The Troops?


Memorial Day 2011-

“…take this time to recognize those currently serving in the Armed Forces as they continue to fight to protect the liberties that we have come to appreciate.”


Memorial Day 2009-

Still more than 2 weeks away and here is a letter that reminds us of the meaning of this important day.

The letter writer and several of those who commented made mention of the troops “fighting for our freedom.”

When we were told that our concealed carry permit was void on local, federal National Parks lands– did the Joint Chiefs of Staff send out “The Troops” to restore American rights and freedoms?

Any support from The Department of Defense Re: various state’s efforts to legalize marijuana?

Are The Joint Chiefs of Staff working to reverse a federal ban on online poker games?

Are The Troops standing in the way of warrantless searches of homes and apartments?

How about Delayed-Notice Search Warrants?

How about warrantless use of hidden surveillance cameras?

SCOTUS Approves Search Warrants Issued by Dogs

How about warrantless DNA collection?

How about suspicionless data mining of phone records?

How about a federal law that requires social security numbers to be submitted for fishing licenses? A totalitarian- guilty until proven innocent scheme to track down dead beat dads– as if digging a bucket of clams has anything to do with child support payments.


When the US Armed Forces are sent to Lebanon, Somalia, Haiti, Bosnia, Vietnam, etc.- how is that defending the US Constitution– or our rights and freedoms, or our physical security?


When we return from an undeclared war or military conflict without a victory- what becomes of American rights and freedoms?


One person wrote: “…spend this Memorial Day honoring those who have defended your right to have an opinion on this matter.”

As if we are wards of the state or mindless drones– somehow dependent on people in military uniforms to enable us to think or to have an opinion.


If the troops are fighting for American rights and freedoms- why were black people still riding at the back of the bus after the big WWII victory?


Freedom isn’t free?

If a house is prevented from burning, is it because firefighters protect our rights and freedoms?

Think of your local fire dept.- it serves a clear-cut purpose, no need for people to repeat phrases or slogans in order to justify its existence.

We don’t claim that firefighters protect our rights and freedoms- as if they are part of some kind of civil rights organization.


US foreign policy goals and objectives are mapped out at the very highest levels of government.

Ask yourself- is there someone at the table- in those high level planning sessions- who makes sure that military operations overseas include a mission to protect American rights and freedoms?

Does someone make sure the mission is to defend the constitution?

Is there anyone who verifies that the mission is to protect our physical security?

How does the executive branch of government defend the constitution via US foreign policy?


Many veterans refer to their oath of enlistment Re: defending the constitution- when & how do The Troops act on behalf of the executive branch of government to defend the constitution?


If the US Armed Forces are somehow connected to defending the constitution- how did public policy serve up due-process-free assassinations?


Never Forget-

The US Armed Forces were irrelevant in defending American rights and freedoms, our physical security, & The Constitution on 911.

Ditto for all other federal agencies and departments.


Post 911 efforts to keep terrorists from visiting the homeland- still unable to keep illegal drugs out.

‘Uptick’ in heroin use seen on North Olympic Peninsula


People who question US foreign policy on newspaper websites are told:

“You wouldn’t have the freedom to post your nonsense if people were not giving their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan to protect that freedom”, etc.

Hey school teachers- where did this idea come from? Were US troops sent to Vietnam so that Americans could be free to send letters to the editor?

Is there any case in which the US Armed Forces have been sent to distant lands on a mission to protect freedom of speech?

Is protecting freedom of speech even part of training scenarios?

If The Troops are fighting for your freedom to share ideas on the web- why would you be scolded for doing so?

Some will say people in uniform “give” us our freedoms- totally disregarding the concept of natural rights.

Others will say we’d be speaking a language or practicing a religion not of our choosing- if not for veterans:

“Support your troops.  Support all military,” Mowl said. “If it wasn’t for them, you wouldn’t be here.  It’s the same as the World War II vets – if it weren’t for them, we’d be speaking German now.”

The free and well armed people who populate the North American continent could be forced to speak a language not of their choosing?

Doubt it.

Please see Operation Sea Lion.

The world’s most modern & powerful military force has had their hands full for years now trying to pacify the locals in the Greater Middle East.

We’ve got such a good handle on the situation- National Guard units are doing multiple tours in distant lands– absent any military emergency, draft, or declaration of war.


We’re not in the habit of winning decades of undeclared wars overseas– why would we think they have any bearing on the language we choose to speak- or on American rights and freedoms in any sense?


Public policy stands in the way of freedom- a situation completely unrelated to military operations in distant lands.


Military service is honorable. In some cases, it provides for our physical security. That’s as good as it gets.

In terms of American rights and freedoms- The Dept. of Defense has no more say than the Dept. of Agriculture.

Best thanks for a veteran-

Reach for an honest understanding of US foreign policy.

USMC ’79-’99

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