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Our buyers inspect and select only the leanest cuts of meat for the grill-


Sorting through the mixed messages. Again.

Video: TSA Drivers License: Agency Will Require Advanced ‘Real ID’ To Fly In 2016


At the airport:

Seattle–Tacoma International Airport-

Man runs through security at Sea-Tac and onto empty plane


Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport-

Boy hops plane to Vegas, apparently alone and without ticket


California teenager defied laws and nature by surviving a plane ride to Hawaii

Post-911 security protocols kept him safe.


Airport Security?

9-year-old runaway steals car, then flies from Seattle to San Antonio


What prevents the badass terrorists we are supposed to stay scared of from blowing themselves up in a crowded airport just short of the screening checkpoint?


Welcome Home Troops

US Dept. of Homeland Security Port Angeles, WA-

Sentries & watchstanders unable to prevent lone bumbler from penetrating US Coast Guard base- then smoking marijuana in the CO’s quarters aboard 210-foot cutter Active- not to be discovered until hours later at morning colors.


At the ferry dock:

Non-terrorist demonstrates lack of security protocols at typical Washington State ferries terminal-

Vehicle blows by ticket booth, ignoring personnel assigned to proper staging of vehicles-

Video: Man dies after SUV crashes through gate at Southworth ferry dock, sinks in Sound


Drug Cartels:

“Brad Bench, special agent in charge of Homeland Security Investigators in Seattle, said Berrelleza-Verduzco ran a multimillion-dollar heroin- and meth-trafficking operation from a small neighborhood in Snohomish County. It took local, state and federal agencies in three states to dismantle the organization, he said.”

Drug traffickers continue to say FU to passports, enhanced driver’s licenses & all other post-911 efforts designed to keep terrorists out of the US.

Welcome Home Troops

Thanks for your service


US Department of Homeland Security-

Special ID cards make it virtually impossible for those who wish to do harm or violate U.S. laws to move heroin into the Puget Sound area:

Office of Biometric Identity Management Identification Services


Don’t worry-

The Super Bowl and public affairs will be safe-

US Department of Homeland Security-

“…a department with more than 20 different agencies, a budget of more than $45 billion and a staff of hundreds of thousands of civilian, law enforcement and military personnel.”

More here:

Puget Sound- DHS Unable To Keep Cartels Out


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Local reporters will not question the US Border Patrol at Port Angeles?

here: US Department of Credibility

or here:

Our free and independent press has stopped asking questions.